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Cecelia has a Master of Letters from the University of New England. She is available as a literacy tutor in the Adelaide area, and also available for review writing.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Amazon Reviews for Mysteries: Fiona Gartland, Melinda Woodhall & Diane Byington


Orchids and Lies by Fiona Gartland

I was nervous as to whether a newly published story would fulfil expectations grown from a solid fare of hardback library books. The main character wasn’t quite as unflappable as the intrepid Miss Marple - who simply knits at the bad guys, but once I got used to the nervous narrative voice, I began to enjoy the story.

A few clues were evident, and the protagonist annoyingly wouldn’t pick up on them. However, the pursuit of the distractors was highly engaging, and the investigation process an absorbing ride. I didn’t flick ahead, or skip any pages. 

In conclusion, a generally well written who-dun-it. Being a fan of the genre, I was happy to receive a complimentary copy to review. 

Her Final Fall by Melinda Woodhall

The plot sounded interesting, and it was well written technically, but at first I thought the characterisation was somewhat truncated. I developed sympathy for the character I met, but unfortunately, she was the primary victim. Another character became mildly interesting – only too soon to become a victim as well. 

The remaining characters, clearly meant to be the mains, were flatter and less sympathetic. They were all employed in either news or law enforcement and showed little emotion. My interest increased as the schoolteacher mother was introduced and the plot thickened.

The killer was someone who wanted revenge on these main characters and his thoughts intruded into the narrative at points. The main mystery was how these all fitted together, especially with a partial DNA connection to previous cases. 

So, it took a while to get going, but by page 200, the characters had developed and I was reading intently. I understand it’s a sequel, perhaps it would be best to start at book one. 

My copy was an advanced review provided by Book Sirens.

If She Had Stayed  by Diane Byington

This is a beautifully woven story incorporating the enigmatic legacy of Nicola Tesla. The time travel fantasy sounded like it would be a romance, but turned into something of a mystery thriller. I enjoyed its originality.

I enjoyed the chick-lit arc more than the historical arc, but suspect the journal story would be of major interest to Tesla fans. I am actively curious to read through a second time and see how all the clues fit together. 

Yes, the heroine was a little naive in thinking she could reconnect with an old love - but who hasn't gone down that track briefly? Yes, Scott was acting suspiciously – but that was needed to create a plot. I thought it was a good use of dramatic irony, where the reader notices things the heroine misses. 

My copy was provided for review by Book Sirens.

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